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API Playground

Welcome to this interactive tutorial designed to showcase the utilization of the Meson API. By following the outlined steps, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of Meson API's operation, and even complete a cross-chain swap directly in this page.


Before we begin, please select your preferred environment, either testnets or mainnets, and provide the required swap data. For added convenience, this playground also supports executing a cross-chain swap on mainnets, which can be beneficial for those who wish to experiment with how the Meson APIs function on mainnets.


Do NOT share your private key on this page.


Server URL:

Swap Parameters

From Address:
Recipient Address:
Amount to Swap:

Procedures to use Meson API

Ensure that you've filled out the necessary information for a cross-chain swap using the form above. Now, let's delve into the usage of the Meson API. Kindly adhere to the steps outlined below.

Step 1 - Get price

This API allows you to quickly retrieve the fee data for a cross-chain swap. While this is an optional step as the next API will also return the price data, this particular API is notably faster.

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"from": "undefined:undefined",
"to": "undefined:undefined",
"amount": "",
"fromAddress": ""

Step 2 - Encode a swap

The Meson cross-chain swaps utilize compact encoding to condense data. This API is designed to process human-friendly parameters delivered in the request body, and in return it produces an encoded swap. The response also includes the price info and data to be signed, which must undergo a signature process prior to the submission of the swap.

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"from": "undefined:undefined",
"to": "undefined:undefined",
"amount": "",
"fromAddress": "",
"recipient": ""

Step 3 - Sign the swap data

After receiving the response from the previous API, it's necessary to sign the signingRequest to authorize the swap. Meson's smart contracts will inspect the signature to confirm that the submitted swap is valid. If you are a dApp developer and the swap is dispatched from a user's wallet, you can prompt the user to sign the data in their browser. However, if the swap is initiated from your personal wallet, you have the option to sign it on your server. Here are some sample codes for reference.

async function signDataWithMetamask (signingRequest) {
const ethereum = window.ethereum
const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' })

const hexEthHeader = utf8ToHex('\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n52')

const msg = signingRequest.message.replace(hexEthHeader, '')
const signature = await ethereum.request({ method: 'personal_sign', params: [msg, accounts[0]] })

return signature

function utf8ToHex(utf8Str) {
return Array.from(utf8Str)
.map(char => char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))

ℹ️ Please complete step 2 to obtain the swap data that needs signing.

Step 4 - Submit the swap

Upon completing the previous step and acquiring the encoded data along with its corresponding signature, this API will initiate the cross-chain swap process via the Meson relayer. The relayer then distributes the data and executes the transaction across the respective blockchains. Provided the signature is authenticated, the API will generate and return a unique swap ID. This ID can then be utilized to monitor the status of the swap.


You can re-call this API with the same encoded data and fromAddress. Meson's smart contract prevents double spending by ensuring only ONE execution per encoded. The response will always be the same swap ID.

curl -L -X POST '{encoded}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"fromAddress": "",
"recipient": "",
"signature": "{signature}"

ℹ️ Please complete steps 2 & 3.

Step 5 - Check status

To check the status of a submitted swap, use the swap ID from the previous API. You can manually use the Meson testnet explorer or employ this API for automatic status updates on your server.

curl -L -X GET '{swapId}'

ℹ️ Please complete step 4 to obtain the swapId.